Cellular Emulator可以模擬打電話和收發簡訊的事件 這對WINDOWS MOBILE上的開發很有幫助
因為這樣我們就可以不用把程式部署到真的機器上來收發簡訊 可以節省可觀的時間和金錢
把WINDOWS MOBILE模擬器連上Cellular Emulator的方法:
Running Cellular Emulator
1. Launch the Cellular Emulator (Start/All Programs / Windows Mobile 6 SDK / Tools / Cellular Emulator ) and the Device Emulator. //把Cellular Emulator打開
2. Read the COM port configuration from the status bar of the Cellular Emulator main window. //看主視窗下方的COMPORT設定是哪個
3. In the Device Emulator, go to File / Configure and select the Peripherals tab. //在裝置模擬器中 去File / Configure / Peripherals
4. Map the Serial port 0 of Device Emulator to the specific COM number obtained from step 2 //在Serial port 0中填入第二步的COMPORT是哪個
5. Soft reset the Device Emulator (File / Reset / Soft). //將裝置模擬軟開機
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